The DOOR Project is a platform where people who have been denied a residence permit and people with residence permit explore together what we can do for a more inclusive life for those of us who are without a residence permit. We use art to explore and create new possibilities. We are building a new space, an atelier, where we teach learn, develop, make and sell products. We work on finding new possibilities. We create, co-create, we do research, we listen to what is really needed and have developments arise. Exploring, open to the unexpected, we take direction, we listen, explore again and adjust our ways. So we can come to real needed social change. Through relatively small interventions and actions we try to build new systems of change. We built new structures, new patterens right here and right now. These changes gives people the possibility to become self-sufficient, to get back control over their lives, and move out of the zones where they are left to their own devices and become included in our society, which is also their society.The DOOR Atelier, The BAM Collective and Reclaim Your Space have emerged from The DOOR Project.
The DOOR Atelier is a working space that offers creative education through courses and workplace learning, focussing on Product development and Entrepreneurship. For the courses we work together with ASKV/SteunpuntVluchteling. At the Atelier we also develop co-creative art projects that give attention to the situation of undocumented people.
The BAM Collective is a social design project. Using art we created a new structure that is very much needed: a cooperative of craftspeople and artists without residence permit. The members make products through which. they have their voices heard and tell their stories. They do this by displaying their products and exploring ways to sell them in a legal way.
RECLAIM YOUR SPACE In this project women without residence permit intervene in my art, telling about their lives, about talents, disappointments, pain, love and longings. Reclaim Your Space is a participatory art project, in which co-creeation is leading. We did workshops and it resulted in an exhibition: together with Patricia de Ruijter we made a duo-exhibition called “Reclaim your Space meets She the Jungle” Right: an impression of the exhibition at OBA in Amsterdam.